Once again I am hit with web hosting problems so be kind about the messiness of this post. I am hoping to change providers very soon but of course everything was fine until I paid a year in advance. The Lean person in me is having a problem paying another provider and losing almost a whole year’s fees.
On the plus side, there is lots of spring vegetable in the markets that are so much cheaper than in the supermarkets. Example – one avocado in Sainsburys £1 = 5 – 6 avocados in Portobello Market, so always visit your local market first.
Monday – My beloved is making roast chicken, roasted spring vegetables with pine nuts topped with parmesan
Tuesday – Ratatouille with ciabatta bread and cheese
Wednesday – Mexican night – I have just started making guacamole which is lush. Chicken burittos with black beans.
Thursday – Experiment – pollock in Panko bread crumbs with salad- I have never done this but I have pollock in the freezer so I will give it a try.
Friday – Cheeseburgers with sweet potato wedges – beloved was not overjoyed at the mostly veg week last week so here is some red meat.
Have a great week and if you want to get more menu ideas have a look at OrgJunkie.