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Food Shopping for the Frugal

shopping trolley

We all have ways we like to shop. My favourite is a mish-mash of supermarket delivery, the fruit and veg market and ethnic stores. Ethnic stores was mentioned in Think Ethnic.  I keep a sort of shopping schedule, I do my internet order about every fortnight and go to the fruit and veg market every Saturday.  I visit my lovely ethnic cash&carry and the Portuguese deli about once a month.

For my primary basics and heavy items, since I don’t have a car, such as tinned goods, cleaning products, alcohol, milk (keeps well in the freezer), pet supplies and the all important loo paper, I buy from a large supermarket.  Which large supermarket is down to the fabulous website

The absolutely fantastic thing is you make a list that you keep in your favourites folder on their website, which is all your regularly purchased basics then each time you need to stock up; you just look at your list and tick off what you have run out of.  MySupermarket then compares the prices and even the calories of your items, analyses your list and makes suggestions of how to save money.  The suggestions include using a different supermarket, substituting items for less expensive ones or even lower calorie options. They also show you what is on special offer so you won’t miss any bargains.

The marvelous thing about internet grocery shopping is it stops you from making unplanned and possibly frivolous purchases.  You can plan what you need in your cupboard, freezer and refrigerator as well as help you plan your meals.  A very frugal idea indeed.

MySupermarket then sends your shopping list to your chosen store; you pick a delivery time and checkout.  Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

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